
Philosophy for an academic community

存在学术机构, 除其他原因外, 发现, advance and transmit knowledge and to develop in their students, faculty and staff the capacity for creative and critical thought. At manbetx苹果客户端下载, members of the academic community should strive to exemplify the following specific ideals in addition to other worthy ideals:

  1. To demonstrate academic and personal integrity.
    One who is committed to this ideal respects and observes the VCU Honor System and practices honesty, loyalty and faithfulness in personal relationships.

  2. To respect the rights and property of others.
    A commitment to this ideal respects all aspects of the personal rights of others and refrains from all forms of theft, vandalism and destruction of the property of another.

  3. 对别人的意见持开放态度.
    This ideal requires one to listen to the opinions of others and respect the right of all persons to a free and open exchange of ideas and opinions.

  4. To uphold academic freedom and freedom of intellectual inquiry.
    The university is committed to educating its students in an atmosphere of freedom of expression, 批判性思维, intellectual curiosity and 奖学金 to permit students to realize their full potential as informed, productive citizens with a lifelong commitment to 学习 and service.

  5. To appreciate diversity and to value and learn from the uniqueness of each person.
    The university values racial and cultural diversity in its community to enhance and enrich a stimulating environment for teaching, 学习, 研究与创意表达.

  6. To uphold the right of all persons to be treated with dignity and respect and to refrain from all forms of intimidation, harassment and illegal discrimination.
    One who is committed to this ideal practices courtesy and consideration toward others and refrains from any action that denigrates another person.

  7. To demonstrate and respect intellectual courage in situations that demand it.
    Commitment to this ideal requires one to uphold the highest standards and ideals of teaching, 奖学金, research and intellectual integrity.

Note: Statements in bold are the approved 联邦主义.


  • Academic Campus Student Government Association: Dec. 6, 1993; March 4, 1996; Sep. 14, 1998; Feb. 22, 1999
  • MCV Campus Student Government Association: Fall 1998; February 1999
  • University Council Committee on Student Affairs: March 23, 1999
  • Faculty Senate: June 4, 1996; Feb. 2, 1999
  • 大学理事会:1999年5月11日
  • 参观委员会:1999年5月14日


Recommendations for revisions to the Rules and Procedures at VCU were approved by the Board of 访问ors and became effective in fall 1993. The Revisions Committee also made other recommendations, including one that the provost should assume responsibility for “ensuring that steps are taken to promote a greater appreciation of the importance of expression and freedom from harassment in an academic community.更具体地说, the committee proposed the development of a statement of responsibilities in an academic community, and two different drafts were submitted in the committee’s report.

在1993年秋季学期, the Academic Campus Student Government Association took on the task of reviewing the two draft documents and decided on one of the versions with some amendments suggested by SGA members. The first draft of what is now the 联邦主义 was approved by the SGA on Dec. 6, 1993.

从那时起, various campus groups such as the MCV Campus Student Government Association, the Faculty Senate and the University Council have discussed the document and suggested modifications. Adoption of the document was one of eight goals for the 1998-99 academic year established by the Academic Campus Student Government Association. The document was approved by the University Council on May 11, 1999, and by the Board of 访问ors on May 14, 1999.


The 联邦主义 addresses the all-important issue of community on the college campus. It identifies the values we believe in and strive to uphold as an academic community. 已故的欧内斯特·博耶, 在“manbetx苹果客户端下载”中写道, 寻找社区,” called on colleges and universities to “return to their roots and to consider, 没有更多的监管, but the enduring values of a true 学习 community.” This was precisely the motivation of the Rules and Procedures Revision Committee after spending nearly a year revising the rules and regulations, it was felt that we needed to focus on the positive, the things we do not because we have to do them but because we want to do them.

In a time when college campuses often must deal with such issues as sexual harassment, substance abuse and disruptive conduct in classrooms, the values of the Creed help us focus on civility with each other, 对所有人的慈悲, empathy for others and the importance of being open to the ideas and beliefs of others.